Mythological Forces

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Mythological Forces

Raiding and Social guild on Darkmoon Faire - EU

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» Application Template
Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces! EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 2:47 am by Guest

» Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces!
Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces! EmptyWed Oct 07, 2009 4:45 am by Guest

» Guild rules / Raid rules
Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces! EmptySun Apr 19, 2009 4:37 am by Sandy

» Ulduar has met our great power!
Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces! EmptySat Apr 18, 2009 7:44 am by Zeldrea

Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces! EmptyWed Apr 15, 2009 5:24 am by Zeldrea

» 3.1 Talent calculator
Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces! EmptyMon Mar 16, 2009 10:56 pm by Degiance

» Guild - Darkmoon Faire Listings
Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces! EmptyWed Feb 25, 2009 9:18 am by Stormhand

» Raid Rulez!
Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces! EmptyFri Feb 20, 2009 2:32 am by Jascel

» Guild Charter and Mission Statement
Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces! EmptyFri Feb 20, 2009 2:22 am by Admin


    Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces!


    Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces! Empty Extending an invite to the Mythological Forces!

    Post  Narcisa Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:45 am

    Apologies for posting this here, but you had no other open forum and I would like to promote this RP event to as many RP guilds as possible. So without further ado..

    The Vanguard of Valor, with the help of the Citizens Gazette, are proudly presenting..


    It will be held on the 18th of October, 7 pm (servertime) at the beautiful City of.. you guessed it, Exodar.

    So if you wish to see some hooved beauty, do come and watch! The event will be hosted by the Vanguard's very own Narcisa.

    If you on the other hand ARE a hooved beauty, then please contact Narcisa, we are still looking for contestants. Think you have what it takes? The looks? The wits? The charm? There will be fabulous prizes AND the winner will be egilible to take part in the finals, the Miss Azeroth Alliance competition. Tempting enough? Don't wait any longer, mail NOW!

    The contestants are expected to survive the following challenges:

    Round one:
    Introduction round. Tell us a bit about yourself

    Round two:
    Show us what your race is about. Show us about your race and why you are proud to be a member of it. You can do this by showing us a skill, a traditional dish, a well known history, a certain tradition – up to you to choose!

    Round three:
    Dress round. Show us your favorite dress or outfit and tell us why this is special to you!

    Round four:
    Question round. The judges will ask you a question. Prepare to give a good answer!

    As you see, this will not be a beauty pageant for the vain. The misses will be asked to show what they know about their race by skill, history and so on. The question round will NOT be easy. So prepare, not only your body, but your soul for this.

    We are also looking for judges who feel they are fit to evaluate the misses properly, so if you feel you could be such person, please contact Narcisa as well.

    If you wish to know more about the competition, see here:

    Hope to see you there!

    With best regards,

    Vanguard of Valor

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:06 pm